Health care reform calls for new approaches to diabetes care delivery and greater emphasis on preventing diabetes and its complications. Clinical practice tools and patient education materials below can help physicians and their health care teams improve patient outcomes as well as position their practices for meaningful use achievement and maximum reimbursement.
Diabetes Management and Prevention Resources
FORWARD: Focus on
Obesity Education
FORWARD is a resource to inspire obesity education, which is currently under-prioritized and inadequately represented in professional school curricula. It is a modular curriculum developed by Novo Nordisk Inc. in consultation with leading obesity clinician experts. Comprised of 12 self-contained modules build on Obesity Medicine Education Collaborative competencies, using exclusively open-source materials.

Practice Transformation for Physician and Health Care Teams, and the Improving Cardiovascular and Diabetes Care and Outcomes: Change Package for Clinical Practice Teams – These resources can be used to improve diabetes care within the context of an evolving health care system.

GAME PLAN for Preventing Type 2 Diabetes: A Toolkit for Health Care Professionals and Teams – This online toolkit helps health care professionals identify, counsel, and support patients at risk for type 2 diabetes.

Prevent Diabetes STAT: Screen, Test, Act – Today ™ – This printable guide/toolkit can be used to identify individuals within a practice population with prediabetes and then refer to an evidence-based diabetes prevention program. The toolkit is part of the Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and American Medical Association’s (AMA) national call to action to reach more Americans with prediabetes and stop the progression to type 2 diabetes, one of the nation’s most debilitating chronic diseases.

Promoting Medication Adherence in Diabetes – This web resource supports health care professionals in promoting medication taking-behavior among their patients and within their teams.

Team-based Care – This web resource is designed to introduce concepts and models of team-based care and provided useful resources for integrating these element into practice.

Guiding Principles for the Care of People with and at Risk for Diabetes – This evidence-based resource aims to identify and synthesize areas of general agreement among existing guidelines to help guide primary care providers and health care teams to deliver quality care to adults with or at risk for diabetes. The guide includes an emphasis on the importance of diabetes self-management education and support, and of providing patient-centered care using shared decision-making and individualized care.