Welcome to the Kentucky Diabetes Network!

We welcome those touched by diabetes to become involved in KDN. Our mission is promoting health for Kentuckians at risk for and living with diabetes.


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KDN Project: Snapshot

View All Diabetes Success Stories


There is no secret to overcoming diabetes, there is only learning how to fight through the highs and lows. There is only the realization that the disease is not going to go away and that you have to make the choice of whether it will take your chance at a normal life from you, or whether you will decide to push through it.

The Power of Family Choice in Overcoming Diabetes

The reason for my story is to tell all families like mine that you CAN TAKE CONTROL and make a difference not only in your life but the lives of ones you love most. Diabetes is a disease that YOU have a choice to make a difference and change your life as my family did. It wasn’t easy, but my family chose a healthy future and yours can too.

You can get the weight off!

I’ve inspired several people at work – the Dr. I work for is amazed – the nurses could not believe the change, my other boss was amazed! They are all starting to work out and watch their intake of calories/carbs. One lady has lost 54 lbs in the last 6 months. Also my greatest recent inspiration was my daughter, who is 32 and is 220 lbs. She has lost 15 lbs and comes out to walk with me when she can – that is worth it all.

Information and Resources

Providing diabetes-related educational materials, improvement tools, best practices, the latest information and other resources.

Living With Diabetes

If you are currently living with diabetes, we have a wealth of resources for you to utilize to help you on your journey.

At Risk For Diabetes

Learn about Prediabetes, and the factors that increase your risk of obtaining diabetes. Valuable tools to assess your risk! 

Diabetes Professionals

Please take advantage of our resources that are there to help assist you in caring for those with diabetes.

KDN Action Teams

Raising prediabetes awareness

Diabetes Prevention Action Team

Raising awareness of prediabetes among the public, healthcare professionals, worksites, communities, ect., and promoting evidence-based strategies for the prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes self management education

Self-Management Education Support Action Team

Communicating across the state the value of self-management education, delaying and preventing complications, and linking people with diabetes to existing educational programs.
Identifying diabetes tools and resources

Partnerships and Networking Action Team

Identifying potential partners who share the mission and goals of KDN and recruiting them to become involved in sharing KDN’s focus of identifying diabetes tools, resources and best practices.
Diabetes Education Advocacy

Community Education and Advocacy Action Team

Working to educate stakeholders, employers, health care systems, and local, state and national policymakers on current issues that impact the quality of life for anyone diagnosed with diabetes.